Alpha Phi Omega strives to help others both on and off campus. Through engagement, Alpha Phi Omega helps to provide members wih social awareness and a stronger global perspective. We celebrate service in 4 main categories: Service to the Chapter, Service to the Campus, Service to the Community, and Service to the Country. Service to the Chapter involves activities that contribute to the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the Eta Alpha chapter, including fundraising. Service to the Campus involves collaborating with other on campus clubs and assisting them with their events. Service to the Community involves working with and assisting outside organizations. These organizations often work with children, the disabled, the impoverished, or the otherwise underprivileged. Service to the Country involves volunteering for events and organizations that tackle issues that involved our nation as a whole, including breast cancer research, environmental organizations, etc. Projects the Eta Alpha has participated in range from sorting food at local food banks, working booths at walks such as Relay for Life, and helping out at our campus garden.